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At The Name Jesus


Verse 1
Every mountain
Every valley
Every strong gate
Has given way

Every stronghold
Every sickness
Every weakness
Has given way

For my wholeness
For my success
For my lifting
At the name

At the mention of Jesus
Knee bows
Repeat Once

Verse 2
It doesn't matter
What you're going through
He's always
With you

Just believe
In His word
All things are possible

When you call Him
When you seek Him
He will answer

At the mention of Jesus
Knees bow
Repeat Once

All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
All things are possible
Repeat Once

At the name of Jesus
Every knee bows down
In heaven, on earth, under the earth

Every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord
To the glory of God, our Most High King
Repeat Twice

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