"High Heels" is a vibrant Punjabi-English fusion track by Jaz Dhami featuring the iconic rapper and music producer Yo Yo Honey Singh. The song, originally released in 2012, gained immense popularity for its catchy beats, humorous lyrics, and energetic vibe. It's a perfect dance number, blending traditional Punjabi music with modern pop and rap elements, making it a hit across various demographics.
[Verse 1: Jaz Dhami]
Tenu suit suit karda,
High heels te nachdi tu,
Tenu suit suit karda,
High heels te nachdi tu,
Oh baby give me your heart,
I will love you more than you know!
[Chorus: Jaz Dhami]
High heels te nachdi tu,
High heels te nachdi tu,
Nachdi nu takda main ta,
Takda main ta,
Takda main ta, oh ho!
[Rap: Yo Yo Honey Singh]
Yo! Mainu kehndi ae kehndi ae kehndi ae goriye,
Gucci di panda paake,
Pairan ch pairan ch pairan ch goriye,
Jimmy Choo jaake laaye,
Tainu mainu suit suit karda,
High heels te nachdi tu!