See me dancing on the stage that I built
Spotlight on me shining strong
Feel such happiness inside of my heart
And it’s all right here, right here in my song
See my crew dancing around me
Hear the audience’s screams
Feel like I could jump right to the sky
And just lose myself
Lose myself inside a dream
I got all these songs inside of my head
Just creations of my own
The rhythm in the song as I’m sleeping in my bed
It’s got me dancing on my feet
See my crew dancing around me
Hear the audience’s screams
Feel like this whole world I love to know
Is an elaborate dream
And when I look at my reflection
But it’s all I wanted to be
Feel like I could jump right to the sky
And just lose myself
Lose myself inside a dream
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Dobijte pristup svojoj glazbi, popisima za reprodukciju i računu
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Routing codeUnited States
CountryPrijenos potvrde
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