I can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middle finger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm more than just a picture
I'm a daughter and a sister
Sometimes it's hard for me to show
That I'm more than just a rumor
Or a song on your computer
There's more to me than people know
Some days I'm broke, some days I'm rich
Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch
Some days I'm strong, some days I quit
I don't let it show, but I've been through some shit
I can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm more than just a number
I'm a hater, I'm a lover
Sometimes it's hard for me to show
That I'm more than just a title
Or a comment going viral
There's more to me than people know
Some days I'm broke, some days I'm rich
Some days I'm nice, some days I can be a bitch
Some days I'm strong, some days I quit
I don't let it show, but I've been through some shit
I can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm not just a pretty girl, yeah
I'm not just a pretty girl
No I'm not just a pretty girl
I can swear, I can joke
I say what's on my mind
If I drink, if I smoke
I keep up with the guys
And you see me holding up my middlefinger to the world
Fuck your ribbons and your pearls
'Cause I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm not just a pretty girl, yeah
I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm not just a pretty girl
I'm not just a pretty girl
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