DeepSound is a high quality music sharing script, DeepSound is the best way to start your own music website! our platform is fast, secured, and it is being regularly updated.
I'm Still Looking For You Love, comes once, they say If it's the real thing Me, I feel, that way Knowing you must be there Waiting for me somewhere Some people say that I'm a fool But I'm still looking for you Yes, I guess, it's sad The lovers I've been through Some, I could, have had But they never were enough Nobody measures up Lovers and friends I've had a few But I'm still looking for you Maybe it's wrong, I don't know Maybe I'm just, chasing rainbows But it's gotta be forever when I fall But lately my hopes, have been sinking Lately I find, I've been thinking Maybe you're not really there at all Tears, and years, go by And I haven't found It seems, the dream, should die But I hang on somehow Still I keep reaching out With all the loves that I've been through I'm still looking for you
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